Shirley Gibson-Langille has passed away…she leaves behind a wealth of her artwork and stories in her books.

Shirley Gibson-Langille was born in Toronto but resided in Kingston where she was very active in the arts scene.
As a Romantic Painter, Shirley worked on location with feelings and joy for the love of things as they are! Shirley gave a new view to so many aspects of Kingston and the other locations she captured.
Shirley specialized in Portraits of homes and businesses
Soul Havens Exhibition
Shirley Gibson-Langille
This is a unique collection of Churches of all dominations starting with the Hay Bay church in 1792. Some churches are still going strong, while others lay vacant or have been made into homes. Others had to be torn down since the exhibition.

Shirley’s interview by Bill Welychka with David Dossett of Martello Alley…airing Thursday 11th morning on CKWS.

Shirley Gibson-Langille’s new book is available now…check here.